My bricks are the days where I hurt most but I fake that I am okay.
My bricks are the days when all I want to do is curl up and cry.
My bricks are when I reach to the heavens for help but receive no answer.
My bricks are the fake friends that stab me in the back but I always go back to them cause who else would I go to.
My bricks are the days where I figure out my family is even more messed up then they seem to be.
My bricks are the lies told to my friends to receive their acceptance.
I am my own brick.
I try to look hard on the outside to hide what is really on the inside.
I am a brick.
I am a friend that is dependable, sturdy and solid.
I am a brick.
I am the cornerstone brick of my family that holds us together when wind comes our way.
I am a brick.
As durable as I am there is still a possibility that I will break down.
I am a brick.
I'm awkward. I can't move, but I make for a great paper weight.
I am a BRICK.
Underneath the hard shell that I portray
I am a strong person who can take
anything that comes my way.